I walk up, drop my two quarters in, push the big red button and wait for the sound of the tumbling can through the mechanism and the loud thud of the can hitting the delivery chute. I can already picture myself tapping the top of the can lightly to settle the bubbles so when I open it there is no spray of sticky soda everywhere.
But instead, nothing…..no coke, no coins in the return slot, no out of that selection pick something else…just nothing. I am pissed to say the least.
Over at the desk I see the young operator with his legs propped up on the desk in his laundry supervisory posture. You probably already know where this is going.
“Hey man, your coke machine ate my money!”
“Sorry dude, we don’t own those machines. There is a number on the front of the machine you can call to report the money you lost, but good luck with that.”
I head back over to that Coke machine even more pissed, ready to take out my anger on that inanimate bad boy. I shake that machine, rocking it back and forth; waiting for it to dislodge my 50 cent can of pleasure! Nothing…I shove my hand around the flap hoping to get my fingers around the can that I own. Again, nothing, more anger….I am in a bad mood, ready to light up whoever comes in contact with me.
This ever happen to you?
-Ever had a guest come to your restaurant and pay you money for their meal and you didn’t deliver exactly what they ordered?
-Ever had a server or manager act indifferent towards a guest when they missed a few of the service steps?
>-Have you ever fallen short of handling a guest situation 100% because you were tired, just not in the game that day?
Well, you are the Coke machine, I am your guest, you took my 50 cents, and I want what I want and I want it now. Get ready for the next step; I am fixing to SHAKE you till I get my Coke or worse, until I get my money back.
It’s a tough economy, less money to go around, and the money I spend with you may be all I have. Don’t make me mad, just let me pay you, and give me my Coke. I did pay for it!
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