There is a ton of stock on the market right now that is worth a lot less than it was just a few short months ago and it still have a strong long term value. There is also stock on the market worth a lot less than a few months ago and it should be worth a lot less. It never was worth anything to begin with, it was overinflated in value, and never should have had the value it earned.
Now what kind of person are you?
-A stock with a current low value because of market condition waiting to climb again?
-A stock with a current low value because of market condition and you will never gain value again because you weren’t worth anything to begin with?
Here is what I know….
Over 3 million jobs have been lost in the last six months and unemployment rates are expected to top 10% in some areas. There are more than a few employees to chose from just like your broker knows there is quite a bit of stock out there that can be bought cheaply that will eventually rise above it’s current purchase price.
Now if you are a pessimist you are thinking, great I have to do whatever my boss tells me to do because he can just replace me with someone else tomorrow, right? Well, no, replacements have cost and your boss doesn’t want to incur additional cost right now because it will take unnecessary dollars from the coffers that are better left earning interest. However if the cost of replacing you produces more ROI in the long term, the boss may be willing to make the investment in a different stock….is the picture getting clearer now?
If you are the optimist, you understand that the best undervalued stock you can own is your own stock…and that’s where you come in! You are already employed, you already have value, and you can increase your own value by understanding how to produce the best ROI.
Do you produce additional sales with your skills?
Do you produce additional profit because of your systems and leadership?
Do you improve the productivity of your team by your presence?
Do your guests come back more often because of your presence in the business?
Do your ideas and improvements create value for the business environment?
Are you helping those around you to get better because you care more about their success than your own?
The good news is that if you invest in your own value now and even diversify your skills by doing more, when this thing turns around, your stock price will be go up again, and then you will be in the driver’s seat for best value. Now that you have had that paradigm shift…..
When all is said and done isn’t it really about just being great no matter what the economic conditions? I mean let’s face it; if you had no value to begin with you probably aren’t reading this blog anyway? If you base the level and/or quality of work you do on how tough the economy is then you probably should find a job in government where you are less likely to be whacked!
There is no better time than now to give everything you have….