We all have dreams, aspirations, and desires to be something larger than current life. Whether it is personal or professional, we want to be more for ourselves and those around us.
Getting a handle on those dreams, holding them high and setting a course for making them come true seems to be where many of us begin to grind to a painful halt. That creates a sense of failure and causes aspirations to be shelved labeled as too big, unachievable, or simply….out of reach.
There is nothing better than the sense of fulfillment when one of these grandiose ideas comes into reality. You can only imagine how someone like Barack Obama must feel when he gets a quiet moment to sit back, reflect, and smile, yes smile about his dream coming true. He dreamed he could be President and with a lot of help he achieved it. It is the kind of smile you can actually FEEL.
How do people like you, me, and Barack achieve these kinds of dreams? We need help. Someone to guide, direct, and channel those thoughts and help us to create a strategic path. There are never too many dreams, just not enough plans. This is where your Coach can come into play. They listen, record, learn, and understand what it is you want to achieve and then work with you to establish a specific, time lined path to success. They drive you to believe, hold you accountable to achieve, and their success is grounded in arriving at your biggest outcomes! Coaches live to help others achieve what they have always wanted to do and don’t feel complete until YOU have done everything you thought possible.
Some call them mentors, some call them friends, some call them Coaches. Whatever you call them find someone to help you write down your dreams and let them help you bring them to life so that you too can FEEL your next smile.